Absorbable Haemostat (Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose)

Surgi-ORC® is a natural, plant based Absorbable Haemostatic made up of Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose, designed to stop capillary, venous and minor arterial bleeding.

Absorbable Haemostatic Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose

Haemostasis within 3 – 4 minutes
Natural, plant-based
Low pH creates bactericidal environment
Completely absorbed within 7–14 days
Can be cut into any desired dimension without fraying
Applied dry and can be laid on, held against or wrapped around a bleeding surface
High flexibility and drapability
Full absorption at the site of application without tissue reaction
In conformance with the requirements for Oxidized Regenerated Cellulose as described in the US Pharmacopoeia (latest edition)

Why to use Surgi-ORC®

The plant based natural cellulose dissolved and extruded as a continuous fiber (regeneration). The fabric made from these fibers has uniform chemical composition. The oxidized form of these fabrics shows high stability and fluid absorption when compared with cotton-based products.
Surgi-ORC® Absorbable Haemostat is a sterile product made-up of oxidized regenerated cellulose. (polyoxyan hydro glucuronic acid)
Surgi-ORC® absorbable Haemostat has no animal or chalcogen additive substances and can be sutured and cut without any wear.

Haemostatic Mechanism

The action mechanism of Surgi-ORC® is independent from the blood coagulation mechanism of the body. Surgi-ORC® absorbs the blood and forms a brown/black gelatinous mass, which aids clot formation at the site of application.

This gelatinous mass acts as a physical matrix for the platelets adherence. Platelets aggregation leads to the formation of a platelet-fibrin plug, hence, Haemostasis.

Where to Use

Capillary Bleeding Surgery

Parenchymatous Bleeding Surgery

General Surgery

Intestine System Surgery

Plastic Surgery

Orthopaedic Surgery

Gynaecological Surgery

Urinary Surgery

Dental Surgery

ENT Surgery

Cardiac Surgery

Vascular Prosthetics Surgery

Haemorrhoidectomy Surgery

Biopsy Operations

Gall Bladder Surgery

Gastric Surgery

Thoracic Surgery

Abdominal Surgery

Endoscopic Operations


Applying Surgi-ORC® is very simple, fast and safe. The haemostatic reticulum can be applied directly onto the dried bleeding area or organ. It acts locally and stops bleeding usually within 3-4 minutes, depending on the type of surgery and the intensity of bleeding.

The product can either be applied to the required area by gentle pressure, attaching it with a stitch, sewing it onto a tissue or an organ or it can be used as a form of tamponade. Surgi-ORC® is perfectly absorbable and need not to be removed from the site of application.

Surgi-ORC® ORIGINAL, Surgi-ORC® FIBRIL, Surgi-ORC® KNIT and Surgi-ORC® NON WOVEN haemostats are white or pale yellow in color and can be cut into desired sizes for different endoscopic surgeries. Surgi-ORC® Absorbable Haemostats are fully absorbed with minimum tissue reaction.

Ordering Information

Product ID Dimensions (inch) Dimensions (cm) No. of pieces per box
SOO-0214 2X14 5.1X35.6 12
SOO-0408 4X8 10.2X20.03 12
SOO-0203 2X3 5.1X7.7.6 12
SOO-502 0.5X2 1.3X5.1 12
SOK-0203 2X3 5.1X7.6 12
SOK-0304 3X4 7.6X10.2 12
SOK-0609 6X9 15.2X22.9 12
SOK-0101 1X1 2.5X2.5 12
SOK-0103 1X3 2.5X7.6 12
SOK-0135 1X3.5 2.5X8.9 12
SOF-0102 1X2 2.5X5.1 12
SOF-0204 2X4 5.1X10.2 12
SOF-0404 4X4 10.2X10.2 12
SON-0102 1X2 2.5X5.1 12
SON-0204 2X4 5.1X10.2 12
SON-0404 4X4 10.2X10.2 12