SURGISPON® Absorbable Haemostatic Gelatin Sponge for ENT surgeries “ Stops bleeding Effectively”

Porus structure and intrices enables the huge absorption of fluids.
SURGISPON® is effective in supporting the new graft in the outer ear canal after tympanoplasty and buttressing middle ear implants.
pH-neutral makes suitable for use with the antibiotics /or other drugs.

Slide 01-Ear Slide 02-Nose Slide 03-Throat


image Made from 100 % pharmaceutical gelatin
image Natural & safe
image Stops bleeding effectively
image Insoluble in water and fully absorbable
image High density sponge for prolonged support and
scaffold function in graft and implant surgery
image Also used as a carrier for antibiotics or other medication
image pH-neutral – ideal carrier for drugs
image Easy handling – does not stick to gloves or instruments
image High patient comfort – can remain in the body
image Total absorption time, depending on application , between 3-4 weeks


Unsurpassed anti-adhesive and heamostatic

Because of the firm higher density then standard cubes, the cubes stay longer in place, and are as such perfectly suited to be inserted to support and separate tissue to prevent adhesions and to control bleeding.

User friendly application

Clinical study report demonstrated: “Excellent processing abilities and no fuzzing was observed, which is clinically of major importance.” According to Priv. Doz Dr. “The pre operative preparations for the nurses are not time consuming and the application procedure was technically simple.

Safe, no complications

It has been demonstrated: “The postoperative period of 7 to 21 days can be passed without complications. There was no sign for a foreign body reaction, inflammation or formation of granulation tissue to the internal or external application of ENT gelatin sponges. There was no new bone formation either. The removal of ENT gelatin sponges cubes are easy without problems. A suction could be used occasionally with the use of a forceps. No remnants had to be removed in a second attempt.”


AdenoidectomyPolypectomy and nodulectomy of the nose and vocal cords
Reconstructive surgery for chronic otitis with suppuration
Control of recurring nosebleeds endolaryngeal surgery
Treatment of perilymphatic babyrynthical and pharyngeal fistulas
Tympanoplasty, Myringoplasty & Stapedotomy
Surgical treatment of neuromas and neurinomas of the auditory apparatus
Surgical treatment of laryngeal mucosa with transplant
Rhinopharyngeal cysts
Reconstruction of facial nerve and prevention of rhinorrheas of the cerebro-spinal fluid
Reconstruction of mandibular and radical cavities
Reconstructive surgery of the middle ear
Dual lesions in surgery of the endonasal sinus
Surgical treatment of peritonsillar, para- and retro-pharyngeal abscesses surgical removal of tumours
Use of haemostatic sponges is recommended, especially on extradural spaces and on paranasal and nasal cavities.

How To Use In Easy Steps ?

Soak the high density ENT cube in antibiotic, or sterile saline solution, or use dry.

image If used dry, the sponge is cut into the desired size and is slightly compressed. The sponges must be applied to a bleeding area under light pressure for one or two minutes until the bleeding stops.
image If used wet, withdraw SURGISPON® ENT cubes, and squeeze thoroughly between gloved fingers to expel air bubbles. Replace in saline, and keep there until needed.
image When bleeding is controlled, cubes can be left in situ.
image When needed support is achieved, the cubes may be removed from the hearing canal.






Ordering Information

Product ID Product Dimensions (mm) No. of Pieces per Box
SSP-805010 STANDARD 80x50x10 10
SSP-101010 CUBES 10x10x10 32
SSP-202007 SHEET 20x20x07 10
SSP-801507 NASAL STRIP 80x15x07 10
SSP-80007 NASAL TAMPON 80x07 ∅ 20
SSP-01 POWDER 1 Gram 6
SSP-401010 SIZE 4 40x10x10 5