Absorbable vs nonabsorbable hemostat

When it comes to bleeding, the doctor must use a high-quality hemostat, such as Surgispon®, to prevent any issues.
Bleeding control is an essential factor in any surgery or medical procedure where bleeding can occur.
Profuse bleeding can lead to a series of complications during surgery. Therefore, the surgeon must stop any bleeding promptly to ensure the procedure’s success and the patient’s safety.
To do it, doctors can rely on different methods and hemostats. These hemostats can be classified as absorbable and nonabsorbable. Furthermore, it is essential to understand the difference between each type to determine which option is better.
What is a hemostat?
A hemostat is any product that induces hemostasis, the physiological process in which a wound stops bleeding.
Regardless of the type of hemostat, they all offer the same benefits and help the doctor control and stop the bleeding. However, the physiological mechanism they use and their efficiency can vary among products.
Nowadays, most contemporary hemostats act as dressings that release different substances. For instance, absorbable hemostatic sponges perform multiple functions during surgery. These substances interact with the wounded tissue, inducing the formation of fibrin clots.
What is the difference between these two options?
The doctors can choose between absorbable and nonabsorbable hemostats.
Nonabsorbable hemostats must be removed by the doctor before the procedure is finished. They can act as a physical barrier that prevents blood from interfering with the surgery area. Furthermore, depending on the type, they can release hemostatic substances that stop the bleeding.
Example of nonabsorbable hemostat are Surgi-Pva, Merocel etc. (Made from Polyvinyl Alcohol)
However, this type of hemostat must be removed once they have accomplished their goal. This can result in additional procedure steps and considerations.
On the contrary, absorbable hemostats can be left inside the patient’s body after the surgery. These dressings are made of biocompatible materials that the body slowly and safely absorbs.
Some of the best examples of absorbable hemostats are Surgispon® and Surgicel. These dressings begin releasing their hemostat substance upon contact with the blood’s moisture.
Since they are absorbable, the doctor can stitch the surgical site and leave them inside the body. Therefore, they continue providing hemostatic effects even after the surgery is over. This helps the patient recover faster and reduces the risk of post-op complications and bleeding.
Why absorbable hemostats became a better alternative?
Absorbable hemostats are more practical and efficient. These hemostats are usually ready to be used and reduce operating time.
Also, thanks to their composition, they work in different ways that offer various benefits. For example, hemostats containing oxidized regenerated cellulose, such as Surgi-ORC®, lower the pH in the wound area. This adds a bactericidal effect that reduces the risk of infections.
On the other hand, absorbable hemostatic sponges are designed to absorb large blood quantities. This prevents blood from flowing into the surgical area while the bleeding stops. One of the main benefits of Surgispon® is its ability to absorb up to 45 times its weight in blood.
Nonetheless, these are not the only alternatives available. Other outstanding options include flowable hemostatic powder like MPH arista AH and Surgisponhaemo-powder in bellow and Hamostatic kit like flogel and Surgiflo.
Conclusively, any high-quality hemostatic can provide great results in bleeding control. However, absorbable hemostatics have proven to offer superior benefits and improved healing.